Translate OTOBO
OTOBO is available in more than 40 languages
It’s through the community that the translation of OTOBO into over 40 languages has become possible today. To collaborate on translating OTOBO interfaces, modules, and documentation together, we use the online tool Weblate.
If you’ve completed a translation package and want to ensure it’s available as soon as possible, just send us a short message. Otherwise, our developers will transfer the new translations into the code at regular intervals – you don’t need to worry about anything else.
You’re a native speaker or language professional and you want to translate OTOBO into a language that’s not yet on the list? Perfect, just contact us, we’ll add it to Weblate and let you know. Then you can get started right away.
Die OTOBO-Dokumentation wird als reStructuredText bereitgestellt. Beim Übersetzen ist deshalb besondere Sorgfalt geboten, um die Integrität der Dokumentenstruktur zu gewährleisten.
Die wichtigsten Strukturelemente findet Ihr hier, inklusive einer kurzen Beschreibung, wie sie zu behandeln sind:
Highlighted passages are marked with asterisks. This formatting is commonly used for GUI elements such as screen names, titles, buttons, and labels.
Translate? Yes
Please make sure to observe how the highlighted elements are translated in the current user interface and use the same terms.
EN Use the *Ticket Zoom* screen to see the ticket details. DE Verwenden Sie die Ansicht *TicketZoom*, um die Ticketdetails anzuzeigen.
Bold text is marked with double asterisks. This type of formatting is typically used for important information.
Translate? Yes
EN **Don't continue** the update if you get an error message. DE **Unterbrechen** Sie das Update, wenn eine Fehlermeldung angezeigt wird.
Fixed terms are enclosed in double backticks. This formatting is typically used for naming variables and configuration elements as well as path references.
Translate? No
These terms should not be translated. Translating them would disrupt the document structure.
EN Activate ``group`` in system configuration ``ExamplePermission###100``. DE Aktivieren Sie ``group`` in der Systemkonfiguration ``ExamplePermission###100``.
Internal linking to other pages or headings within pages. :doc:page-name
refers to a page, and :ref:Heading Title
to a heading within a page. The custom tag :sysconfig:System Configuration Name
is used to reference a system configuration.
Translate? No
Text replacing page-name, Heading Title, and System Configuration Name must not be translated. Translating them would disrupt the document structure.
EN See page :doc:`queues` to add a queue, especially section :ref:`Queue Settings`. DE Siehe :doc:`queues`, insbesondere den Abschnitt :ref:`Queue Settings` für weitere Informationen zum Hinzufügen einer Queue.
External links consist of the displayed text (link text) and the URL of the page being referenced. They have the following structure: Linktext
__ (in real life, without spaces between brackets and URL).
Translate? Yes & No
Translate the link text and keep the URL, or adjust it to point to the respective language version.
EN See `OTOBO website < https://otobo.io/en/ >`__ for more information. DE Weitere Informationen auf der `OTOBO Website < https://otobo.io/de/ >`__.