Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #15048
      Szabolcs Sandor

        After migration I cannot backup and restore database.

        [Warning] Aborted connection  to db: ‘otobo’ user: ‘root’ host: ‘localhost’ (Got an error writing communication packets)

        I have already increase some mysql parameters like wait_timeout, net_read_timeout, net_write_timeout. I also have checked database.


        Any suggestion?

        Thank You for help.


      • #15055
        Szabolcs Sandor


          mysqldump stopped at article_data_mime_attachment table. I don’t know which parameters should modify in the MariaDB.


          Table size in MB is next:

          | article_data_mime_attachment | 3498.02 |
          | ticket_history | 263.48 |
          | article_data_mime_plain | 261.14 |
          | article_search_index | 104.72 |
          | article_data_mime | 86.67 |
          | package_repository | 48.53 |
          | article_flag | 40.09 |
          | article | 31.61 |
          | ticket | 20.14 |
          | dynamic_field_value | 13.58 |
          | sysconfig_deployment | 10.53 |
          | sysconfig_default_version | 8.86 |
          | service_customer_user | 8.06 |
          | ticket_flag | 7.58 |
          | sysconfig_default | 6.86 |
          | generic_agent_jobs | 1.86 |
          | xml_storage | 0.81 |
          | customer_preferences | 0.31 |
          | change_workorder | 0.22 |
          | change_item | 0.22 |
          | change_notification_message | 0.19 |
          | queue | 0.16 |
          | condition_action | 0.16 |
          | search_profile | 0.14 |
          | notification_event_message | 0.14 |
          | condition_expression | 0.13 |
          | configitem | 0.13 |
          | user_preferences | 0.11 |
          | auto_response | 0.11 |
          | sysconfig_modified_version | 0.11 |
          | change_cip_allocate | 0.09 |
          | stats_report | 0.09 |
          | change_history | 0.09 |
          | ticket_state | 0.09 |
          | change_condition | 0.09 |
          | link_relation | 0.09 |
          | calendar | 0.09 |
          | configitem_version | 0.09 |
          | signature | 0.08 |
          | configitem_history_type | 0.08 |
          | group_customer | 0.08 |
          | auto_response_type | 0.08 |
          | gi_webservice_config | 0.08 |
          | time_accounting | 0.08 |
          | communication_log | 0.08 |
          | customer_user | 0.08 |
          | ticket_type | 0.08 |
          | customer_user_customer | 0.08 |
          | dynamic_field | 0.08 |
          | follow_up_possible | 0.08 |
          | role_user | 0.08 |
          | link_type | 0.08 |
          | group_role | 0.08 |
          | standard_template_attachment | 0.08 |
          | ticket_watcher | 0.08 |
          | notification_event | 0.08 |
          | sysconfig_modified | 0.08 |
          | cloud_service_config | 0.08 |
          | standard_template | 0.08 |
          | ticket_history_type | 0.08 |
          | salutation | 0.08 |
          | group_customer_user | 0.08 |
          | link_state | 0.08 |
          | change_history_type | 0.08 |
          | users | 0.08 |
          | article_sender_type | 0.08 |
          | queue_auto_response | 0.08 |
          | roles | 0.08 |
          | groups_table | 0.08 |
          | standard_attachment | 0.08 |
          | gi_webservice_config_history | 0.08 |
          | acl | 0.08 |
          | communication_channel | 0.08 |
          | calendar_appointment | 0.08 |
          | ticket_lock_type | 0.08 |
          | group_user | 0.08 |
          | article_data_mime_send_error | 0.08 |
          | calendar_appointment_ticket | 0.08 |
          | queue_standard_template | 0.08 |
          | ticket_priority | 0.06 |
          | pm_activity | 0.06 |
          | gi_debugger_entry_content | 0.06 |
          | ticket_index | 0.06 |
          | scheduler_recurrent_task | 0.06 |
          | pm_activity_dialog | 0.06 |
          | change_template | 0.06 |
          | pm_transition | 0.06 |
          | mail_queue | 0.06 |
          | notification_event_item | 0.06 |
          | scheduler_future_task | 0.06 |
          | system_address | 0.06 |
          | sla | 0.06 |
          | system_maintenance | 0.06 |
          | configitem_history | 0.06 |
          | general_catalog | 0.06 |
          | change_notification_rec | 0.06 |
          | communication_log_object | 0.06 |
          | cip_allocate | 0.06 |
          | pm_transition_action | 0.06 |
          | pm_process | 0.06 |
          | form_draft | 0.06 |
          | ticket_state_type | 0.06 |
          | service | 0.06 |
          | gi_debugger_entry | 0.06 |
          | mail_account | 0.06 |
          | valid | 0.06 |
          | change_notification | 0.06 |
          | scheduler_task | 0.06 |
          | personal_services | 0.05 |
          | change_template_type | 0.05 |
          | change_cab | 0.05 |
          | virtual_fs | 0.05 |
          | communication_log_object_entry | 0.05 |
          | sessions | 0.05 |
          | system_data | 0.05 |
          | ticket_number_counter | 0.05 |
          | imexport_template | 0.05 |
          | virtual_fs_preferences | 0.05 |
          | smime_signer_cert_relations | 0.05 |
          | change_number_counter | 0.05 |
          | personal_queues | 0.05 |
          | configitem_definition | 0.05 |
          | communication_log_obj_lookup | 0.05 |
          | ticket_loop_protection | 0.05 |
          | condition_operator | 0.03 |
          | ticket_lock_index | 0.03 |
          | sysconfig_deployment_lock | 0.03 |
          | service_preferences | 0.03 |
          | change_state_machine | 0.03 |
          | sla_preferences | 0.03 |
          | imexport_format | 0.03 |
          | postmaster_filter | 0.03 |
          | condition_attribute | 0.03 |
          | dynamic_field_obj_id_name | 0.03 |
          | general_catalog_preferences | 0.03 |
          | imexport_mapping | 0.03 |
          | customer_company | 0.03 |
          | data_storage | 0.03 |
          | imexport_search | 0.03 |
          | service_sla | 0.03 |
          | article_data_otobo_chat | 0.03 |
          | condition_object | 0.03 |
          | queue_preferences | 0.03 |
          | imexport_mapping_format | 0.03 |
          | imexport_object | 0.03 |
          | virtual_fs_db | 0.03 |
          | imexport_mapping_object | 0.03 |
          | link_object | 0.03 |
          | process_id | 0.02 |
          | change_notification_grps | 0.02 |
          | configitem_counter | 0.02 |
          | acl_sync | 0.02 |
          | pm_entity_sync | 0.02 |
          | web_upload_cache | 0.02 |
          154 rows in set (0.003 sec)


          article_data_mime_attachment = 3,610509432 Gigabytes

          MariaDB [otobo]> SELECT SUM(content_size) from article_data_mime_attachment;
          | SUM(content_size) |
          | 3610509432 |


          Thank You for your help.



        • #15108
          Szabolcs Sandor

            Fortunately I have managed to solve to migrate database. Before load back database I have modified some mysql parameters.

            I have logged in my mysql database as root and set the next max values.

            > docker exec -it  otobo-web-1 bash
            > mysql -h db -u root -p

            SET SESSION wait_timeout=31536000;
            SET SESSION wait_timeout=31536000;
            SET GLOBAL interactive_timeout=31536000;
            SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet=1073741824;

            My  migration steps:

            1.)  Install otobo docker version.  Create the same config as I have used in  otrs. Install packages what I have used in otrs.

            2.) Use  script to migrate db on otobo-web-1 container. ( 5.14.2 Optional Step: Streamlined migration of the database (only for experts and
            spezial scenarios) )

            scripts/ -t migratefromotrs --max-allowed-packet 1G --db-name otrs --db-host=x.x.x.x --db-user dbadmin --db-password PASSWORD

            3.) Reload database on otobo-web-1 from the directory where migration createed sql files.

            mysql -h db --debug-check --debug-info --max-allowed-packet=1073741824 -u otobo -p otobo < otrs_pre.sql

            At the bottom I managed to migrate database.





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