Ansicht von 3 Antwort-Themen
Ansicht von 3 Antwort-Themen
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The standard setting for our OTOBO seems to be „sign“. This is fine for roughly 60% of our tickets, however for known contacts that already have their GPG key stored in OTOBO (most of them automatically (works great!)) I’d like to change the behaviour to „sign and encrypt“.
That way we could also avoid looking if there’s already a key saved for the recipient under „PGP Keys“ in the OTOBO configuration, which wouldn’t really work for every day use because it’s, well, cumbersome and time consuming. Help in any form or shape would be much appreciated.
On a different note, I wonder what OTOBO does when there’s no public key available for the recipient but „sign & encrypt“ is chosen. Any insights?
Nobody? :)
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