After a successful migration, I got an „Internal Server Error“ in any ticket I entered.
Docker containers are healthy.
NAME IMAGE COMMAND SERVICE CREATED STATUS PORTS otobo-daemon-1 rotheross/otobo:latest-10_1 "/opt/otobo_install/…" daemon 4 hours ago Up About an hour (healthy) otobo-db-1 mariadb:10.5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" db 4 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy) 3306/tcp otobo-elastic-1 rotheross/otobo-elasticsearch:latest-10_1 "/bin/tini -- /usr/l…" elastic 4 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy) 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp otobo-redis-1 redis:6.0-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" redis 4 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy) 6379/tcp otobo-web-1 rotheross/otobo:latest-10_1 "/opt/otobo_install/…" web 4 hours ago Up 3 hours (healthy)>5000/tcp
Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 2 Monaten, 1 Woche von AnteIde Marić.
For testing, I set the directory _/opt/otobo/var/article/2024 and all its subdirectories in the Docker container to 777 permissions:
chmod -R 777 2024
After which all the tickets are properly opened.
At the suggestion of the logs, I tried to run the script, but I got an error that it should be run as root:
otobo@b087f8829d05:~/bin$ ./
ERROR: Please run this script as superuser (root).
If I run it as root I get an error that I don’t have permission to run the script:
[root@otobo-test bin]# docker exec -ti –user root otobo-web-1 /bin/bash
root@b087f8829d05:/opt/otobo# cd bin
root@b087f8829d05:/opt/otobo/bin# ./
Can’t open perl script „./“: Permission denied
I changed the permissions as owner (otobo) inside the container, set it to permission 775 file ./ and ran the script, but now the following errors occur:
ERROR: could not change /var/article/2024/06/13/699801 permissions 777 -> 2775: Operation not permitted
ERROR: could not change /var/article/2024/06/13/699801/file-2 permissions 777 -> 660: Operation not permitted
ERROR: could not change /var/article/2024/06/13/699801/file-2.content_type permissions 777 -> 660: Operation not permitted
ERROR: could not change /var/article/2024/06/10 permissions 777 -> 2775: Operation not permitted
ERROR: could not change /Kernel/Config.under permissions 640 -> 660: Operation not permitted
ERROR: could not change /Kernel/Config/Files/User permissions 2770 -> 2775: Operation not permitted
Can’t opendir(/opt/otobo/Kernel/Config/Files/User): Permission denied
at ./ line 198.
ERROR: could not change /bin/ permissions 755 -> 770: Operation not permitted
because root is not the owner of articles and other files listed here.
I run the script as user otobo but it doesn’t work. It still appears that I ran the script as root:
. / –otobo-user=otobo
and I get the same errors.