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    • #13970
      Željko Kranjčec

        Dear colleagues!

        I need help.

        I am experiencing this issue for some time, but I am not able to fix it.

        This is the error that I have in the log:


        There was an error executing Execute() in Kernel::System::Console::Command::Maint::Email::MailQueue: Error: Message sending already in progress! Skipping…

        At the same time, there is the message in the communication log that says:

        Successfully queued message for delivery (To: ‘’, From: ‘’, Subject: ‘OTOBO Scheduler Daemon Cron: MailQueueSend’).

        I have updated to 10.1.5, deleted all messages, cleared the log, checked te mail settings, once again, and this error keeps appearing every few seconds.

        Thank you all for your help!



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