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    • #15708
      mr sipping

        Hello, I was configuring Otobo, and during the installation, I skipped the email setup with the intention of configuring it once inside the system. I configured it with some settings, but it didn’t work. I changed the settings several times later on, but I noticed that it always retains the initial configuration and continues to attempt sending emails with that setup.


        From the communication logs, it keeps fetching the old SMTP server even though I’ve updated it in the settings. Can anyone explain why? Is it a bug? Is there a way to forcefully change these settings?

      • #15709

          Hello mr sipping,

          work your SMTP settings with an SMTP Test Tool?

          Which email provider do you use or which protocols should be used? Is there an error log?

          POP /POPs/POPoAuth2


          SMTP or SMTPs

          you can change the smtp settings in the Systemconfig. Use the input field  and search “smtp”.




          • #15710
            mr sipping

              Hi, I’ve solved the SMTP issue, but now I’m facing two problems: the first one is that on the customer side, password reset doesn’t work, and the error message is ‘Need User or UserId.’ However, it works on the agent side

          • #15711

              Exists the customer user in Otobo under Customer User Management?

              • #15712
                mr sipping

                  Yes, there are 10 users under here. I noticed that the message is different. In the agents it tells me that he sent the email and then it tells me the email, whereas in the customer it doesn’t tell me the email, maybe that’s right

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