Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #29733
      Daniel dos Santos


        I have defined different Ticket Types (e.g. Unclassified, Bug, Features…etc) and the default Type is set to “Unclassified” through  Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage###TicketTypeDefault when a new ticket is being created by a customer.

        I have disabled  Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage###TicketType, so customer is not required to specify it.

        Now, I would like to make mandatory the re-evaluation of the ticket type when an agent is closing a ticket to avoid all ticket to be closed with the “Unclassified” type.

        Could you please let me know how to achieve this?

        Thanks a lot in advance for your help


      • #30054
        Stefan Abel

          Hi Daniel,

          You could create an ACL that disables Ticket > Type > Unclassified, so in the different Views, where the type is mandatory (e.g. AgentTicketFreeText / Change Ticket) you have to fill out a type (as the selected “Unclassified” is now hidden through your ACL now).

          Maybe that solves your requirement.

        • #30061
          Daniel dos Santos

            Hi Stefan,

            perfect…I just created an ACL with Change setting>PossibleNot>Ticket>Type>Unclassified and  it works as expected :)

            Thanks a lot for your help



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