Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • Autor
    • #13465
      Lykke Danielsen


        We have recently started using Otobo and we are struggling quite a bit with getting it to generate and send an email when a new ticket is created.

        We can send and receive emails just fine from the system, but the new ticket auto reply is not being generated.

        I’m new to Otobo and have a some experience with Linux.

        We have followed the manual here;

        I hope someone out there can point us in the right direction :-)

      • #13480

          Hello Lykke,

          Please get sure that you have set up an auto response with the type “auto reply” (important: not “auto reply/new ticket”!) and that you have connected the auto reply to the correct queue, which can be set in “Queues ↔ Auto Responses”.

          Keep in mind that the auto reply will only be triggered when a customer sends an email to you.

          Best regards

        • #13497
          Lykke Danielsen

            Hi Emin,

            Thank you that solved the issue, I must have misunderstood what the different Auto Response types did.

            Best regards


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