Topic Resolution: Resolved
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    • #15744
      Alexandru Mateescu

        HI all

        Just migrated our OTS to Otobo and i was interested and connecting customers with O365.

        As i understand Otobo supports openid connect so i was wondering if there is any documentation about it.


      • #15761
        Alexandru Mateescu

          I managed to enable OpenIDConnect and now when i am trying the page i get “An error occured! Please check the browser error log for more details!”.

          When looking up the details i get “JavaScriptError: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #” any hints on what logs to enable to find the actual issue?


        • #15767
          Alexandru Mateescu

            After spending 2 full days on this i managed to crack it so i hope that the below will help others as well.

            The OpenIDConnect settings that you can find on the forum are mostly correct but they have a mistake.

            Please see below my working configuration.

            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule’} = ‘Kernel::System::CustomerAuth::OpenIDConnect’;
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::AuthRequest’}->{ResponseType} = [ ‘code’ ];
            # $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::AuthRequest’}->{ResponseType} = [ ‘id_token’ ]; –> you neec to comment out this like. AzureAD does not have ‘id_token’
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::AuthRequest’}->{AdditionalScope} = [qw/profile email/];
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::Config’}{ClientSettings} = {
            ClientID => ‘From AzureAD’,
            RedirectURI => ‘https://your.domain/otobo/’,
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::Config’}{ClientSettings}{ClientSecret} = ‘From AzureAD’;
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::Config’}{ProviderSettings} = {
            OpenIDConfiguration => ‘From AzureAD’,
            SSLOptions => 0,
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::UID’} = ‘upn’;
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::Config’}{Misc} = {
            UseNonce => 1, # add a nonce to request and token (this is primarily important for the implicit flow where it is enabled by default)
            RandLength => 22, # length for state and nonce random strings – default: 22
            RandTTL => 60 * 5, # valid time period for state and nonce (roughly the time a user can take to authenticate) – default: 300 s
            $Self->{‘AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::UserMap’} = {
            email => ‘UserEmail’,
            given_name => ‘UserFirstname’,
            family_name => ‘UserLastname’,
            $Self->{‘Customer::AuthModule::OpenIDConnect::Debug’}->{‘LogIDToken’} = 1;



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