Topic Resolution: Resolved


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    • #11776
      A. Flora

        We migrated from otrs 6.3 to otobo succefully, however i cannot login as an agent after the migration. I get username / password errors logging in as an existing agent but also as root@localhost

        We run the docker installation but i have no clue where to locate the logfiles to see what is wrong ?

        in otrs we have an active directory login configured and i guess something is wrong here.


        so i have 2 questions:

        • in the dockers, where can i find the various logfiles like the apache logs, nginx logs etc. ?
        • how can i reset the password of the root@localhost so i can login into the agent section and check the configuration from there ?

        Hope someone can help me with this ..



      • #11778
        A. Flora


          i found that using the command: docker attach <imagename> i was able to see the logs directly on the console

          for the webser it is: docker attach otobo_web_1

          using this i found out that dureing migration everything from otrs is renamed to otobo. We use AD group membership with the name OTRS_Agents which was now not working as the login was looking for group membership of OTOBO_Agents.

          So after renaming the group in active directory i was able to succesfull login

          I wasn’t able to detach from the docker however using ctrl+p+q so if anyone can tell me how this works that would be really great (it is my first docker implementation)

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