Topic Resolution: Answered
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    • #10836
      Martin Dvorsky


        I am trying to perform migration from OTRS Community to OTOBO using Docker.

        I used migration guide from your docs, but got stuck on step 4. After I navigate to http://OTOBO-IP/otobo/, I see migration instructions, but no Next button or anything else (see screenshot). What could be the problem?



      • #10846
        Yannick Wysocki

          Hi Martin,


          I’ve had the exact same problem when trying the migration for the first time.

          As I was Troubleshooting and comparing source with target system, I realized that my OTRS source system has had a certificate for SSL/TLS installed and my target OTOBO system in docker didn’t have one yet.

          So, I implemented the certificate for SSL/TLS (steps found in OTOBO installation manual for docker)….. and sure enough, I suddenly was shown a “Next” button when opening the migration page via HTTPS protocol.


          I hope this helps you :)


          Have a great day!!


          • Diese Antwort wurde geändert vor 3 Monaten, 3 Wochen von Marc Nilius.
        • #10855
          Martin Dvorsky

            Hi Yannick,

            thank you for your reply.

            However, we don’t use SSL/TLS or Nginx reverse proxy neither in source OTRS system, nor in destination Otobo system. We use dedicated reverse proxy server which handles SSL/TLS, but while migrating we accessed Otobo migration page directly, not via reverse proxy server.

            Thank you anyway, I will try to look into this more.

          • #10856
            Sven Oesterling

              Hey Martin,

              I think we have a bug there, which is specific to docker (or rather psgi) and http. I have not fully confirmed it – please wait till next week, I will then send an update.

              Best regards, Sven

            • #10880
              Sven Oesterling

                Hello Martin,

                we fixed a bug, where this could occur with psgi and http. Please try if it works after updating to OTOBO 10.0.8.

                Best regards, Sven

              • #10899
                Martin Dvorsky

                  Hi Sven,

                  thank you for these great news. I will try it as soon as possible and let you know if it’s fixed.

                  Best regards

                • #11096
                  Martin Dvorsky

                    Hi Sven and others,

                    sorry it took me the entire month to try it out, but I was very busy with other stuff.

                    Anyways, I updated Otobo to the latest version and migration page now works as it should. Thanks for the fix.

                    However, after the migration I can’t login into agent and customer portal. In agent portal the login button is grayed out and any link or button is unresponsive even in customer portal. I see these errors in browser console:


                    CommonJS_bd6f5fc717040faaa2b99b5f55ffb0df.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
                    at CommonJS_bd6f5fc717040faaa2b99b5f55ffb0df.js:1
                    (anonymous) @ CommonJS_bd6f5fc717040faaa2b99b5f55ffb0df.js:1

                    TranslationJS_en_fc4f72148666e5884731dafbb9978b49.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Load’ of undefined
                    at TranslationJS_en_fc4f72148666e5884731dafbb9978b49.js:2
                    (anonymous) @ TranslationJS_en_fc4f72148666e5884731dafbb9978b49.js:2

                    TemplateJS_d58ce399efffe18b0b40718d620fc7ca.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘Load’ of undefined
                    at TemplateJS_d58ce399efffe18b0b40718d620fc7ca.js:2
                    (anonymous) @ TemplateJS_d58ce399efffe18b0b40718d620fc7ca.js:2

                    ModuleJS_e2df7a35d5b1e982bb1f3d937d057d47.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘CheckDependency’ of undefined
                    at ModuleJS_e2df7a35d5b1e982bb1f3d937d057d47.js:1
                    at ModuleJS_e2df7a35d5b1e982bb1f3d937d057d47.js:8
                    (anonymous) @ ModuleJS_e2df7a35d5b1e982bb1f3d937d057d47.js:1
                    (anonymous) @ ModuleJS_e2df7a35d5b1e982bb1f3d937d057d47.js:8

           Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘ExecuteInit’ of undefined
                    (anonymous) @

           Uncaught TypeError: Core.App.Ready is not a function
                    (anonymous) @

           Uncaught TypeError: Core.App.Ready is not a function
                    (anonymous) @


                    Of course I tried incognito mode, deleting cookies, trying different browser, restarting Otobo host etc…

                    Migration itself went pretty smoothly, except on 4/5 step it showed well known popup saying I was disconnected from the server and if I wanted to stay on page or reload, and that was the end of the migration. Maybe it imported disabled SecureMode config from OTRS, so making the migration page unavailable and kicking me out? Idk, just guessing.

                    Any ideas what could be the problem? Thank you for your help.

                  • #11098
                    Best Answer
                    Sven Oesterling

                      Hi Martin,

                      this is very likely because of an old jquery version being referenced in a SysConfig setting. Normally this should be adapted automatically, but maybe there was a problem with deploying the SysConfig settings, or you had changes in your OTRS settings, I’m not 100% sure what causes this, but I have encountered it before. From the command line please try the following:

                      bin/ Admin::Config::Update --setting-name 'Loader::Agent::CommonJS###000-Framework' --reset

                      This should fix it. You should then have a look at that setting in your SysConfig on the OTRS, just to check, whether you made manual changes to it (there would be a grey stripe on the side of this setting). If that is the case, you would have to reintroduce them on the OTOBO system per hand.

                      Best regards, Sven


                    • #11109
                      Martin Dvorsky

                        Hi Sven,

                        thank you very much for the help. You were right, I had this setting modified in the original OTRS SysConfig, even though I have no idea when or why I did it.

                        Anyway, agent and customer interfaces are working as they should. Only a few tweaks to do on my side and migration is complete. I have a few more unrelated questions, but I will create separate threads for them.

                        Thank you again, I am glad I have chosen Otobo with this great support staff.

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