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    • #14775
      Gonçalo Faria


        I have been trying to do fresh install of otobo latest-10_1 with docker but the deamon_1 image doesn’t start correctly and stays unhealthy, last week i can’t remember the day i could do it, but now i am having troubles to start it in the end.
        I have tried to install and deamon stays unhealthy, tried afterwards prune everything and start again and in the end unhealthy
        Tried with fresh system installation of ubuntu 22.04 and unhealthy, even tried with a fresh installation of ubuntu 20.04 and same output.

        I don’t know but this seem to be something on your side, can you please check it?



      • #14778

          Hello Gf,

          did you install the docker directly in the Ubuntu Setup or after the this with the following commands?

          —- Install Docker —

          sudo apt-get install git docker docker-compose curl
          sudo systemctl enable docker



        • #14781
          Gonçalo Faria

            Hi Marcel,

            I did follow this installation guide where that step is prerequisite of the installation, if didn’t do that step i practically couldn’t do anything else.



          • #14782

              the following docu works for me -> only http testet

              — Install Ubuntu Server VM —> Ubuntu Server 20.04.5

              [X] use new Ubuntu installer
              [X] install open SSH Server
              sudo apt update
              sudo apt upgrade

              sudo apt install net-tools

              — Set Timezone  —

              timedatectl list-timezones
              sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Berlin   ->set your time zone, i use Europe/Berlin
              check with „date“ or „timedatectl“

              —- Install Docker —

              sudo apt-get install git docker docker-compose curl
              sudo systemctl enable docker

              sudo apt update
              sudo apt upgrade

              — otobo install —
              cd /opt

              sudo git clone –branch rel-10_1 –single-branch

              ls otobo-docker # just a sanity check, should exist

              cd /opt/otobo-docker

              sudo cp -p .docker_compose_env_http .env

              sudo nano .env (file edit -> OTOBO_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<your_secret_password>) -> press ctrl + x = close file / press y = save file

              sudo docker-compose up –detach

              sudo docker-compose ps
              sudo docker volume ls

              Run the OTOBO installer at http://yourIPorFQDN/otobo/

            • #14784
              Gonçalo Faria

                I am using https but i will try again with slight differences you are suggesting, i’ll let you know how it goes.

              • #14793
                Gonçalo Faria

                  Well Marcel,

                  I didn’t work for me, i have tried with a snapshot of a VM in the moment it was configured with network and hostnames and so on, did run then your script and otobo_daemon_1 still unhealthy

                  To discard the virtualization environment i did install it on a different virtualization platform with a fresh installed ubuntu on the version 20.04, again with your script and otobo_daemon_1 still unhealthy.

                  I know it works on this virtualization platform because i have a otobo working there, it was installed on version 10_0 though and upgraded to 10_1

                  To discard 2 otobos working on the same network i did shutdown the production one and tried to start the fresh installed alone and still otobo_daemon_1 unhealthy

                  My next step is install otobo with docker but on version 10_0 and then upgrade it, do you know if there is a guide on how to install an older version?

                  Thank you,


                • #14794

                    Hi Gonçalo,

                    If I understand correctly the container otobo_daemon_1 is running but is reported as unhealthy. The health check for the daemon contain is defined in the file docker-compose/otobo-base.yml . It is defined as ./bin/ status | grep 'Daemon running'. You could log into the running container with docker-compose exec daemon bash and check what ./bin/ status prints to STDOUT and STDERR.

                    Best regards,






                    • #14802
                      Gonçalo Faria

                        Hi Bernhard,

                        The status said it was not started, so i started it and this is the output

                        otobo@256b18f860f5:~$ ./bin/ start

                        Manage the OTOBO daemon process.

                        Daemon started
                        Stopping the OTOBO Daemon as SecureMode is not activated.

                        Thank you,

                    • #14796

                        Hello Gf,

                        you must clone the older repo „rel-10_0“


                        sudo git clone –branch rel-10_0 –single-branch



                        • #14803
                          Gonçalo Faria

                            Thank you Marcel,

                            will try it.



                        • #14804

                            Hi Gonçalo,

                            the SecureMode is a safety guard to prevent conflicts when OTOBO is being installed or maintained. SecureMode = 1 indicates that it is safe to continue with normal operation Therefore it is normal that the Daemon refuses to start when OTOBO hasn’t been completely installed yet. Thus the unhealthy status does not indicate that there is a problem, just that the Daemon is currently not running. There is also an automatic start of the Daemon once the SecureMode has been activated.

                            So I propose that you continue with installation and wait two minutes after installation has been completed. For idetails see the file /opt/otobo_install/ in the web or daemon container.

                            Best regards,

                            Bernhard Schmalhofer


                          • #14805
                            Gonçalo Faria

                              Hi again Bernhard,

                              I got it right now, i was just entering on the web page this http://yourIPorFQDN/otobo/ instead of this http://yourIPorFQDN/otobo/ and my sys admin knowledge started to look for the problem and found the unhealthy deamon so i thought it was the problem.

                              Thank you very much,


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