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  • Autor
    • #13664
      Giordano Torre

        Good Morning,

        I have installed Otobo (docker) on Google Cloud where the ports 25, 587 are blocked default.

        On same server, I have installed Plesk Obsidian.

        We have configured Sendgrid.

        I have tried to configured sendmail module on 587 and SMTPS bud doesn’t works fine.

        I have open port 2525 outbound and port 25, 993 inbound on Google Firewall.

        Thank You for support

      • #13665
        Giordano Torre

          I have opened all ports, for test, in outbound on Google Firewall but doesn’t work fine.



        • #13666
          Giordano Torre

            I have tried connect to docker exec -it otobo_web_1 bash and I have tried connect with telnet on port 587.

            It Works fine but otobo doesn’t send email. I haven’t error in comunication log.

            Thank You


          • #13668
            Giordano Torre

            • #13669
              Giordano Torre

                DNS problem?!??!

                I can send and receive email from Plesk Panel, and roundcube too.

                In otobo I can receive only the email with IMAPS protocol.

                I can’t send email


              • #13670
                Giordano Torre

                  If I disable check MX, I haven’t errors but otobo doesn’t works…the message state is waiting


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