
Ansicht von 1 Antwort-Thema
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    • #11767
      Giordano Torre

        Good Evening,

        I have tryed to install otobo with docker and ssl certificate.

        I have a problem with ssl certificate.

        I have read manual, point 4, but when the installation ends, I can’t able to connect http://youriporfqdn/otobo/

        I have copied and set the two files (.crt and .key) in this directory /etc/nginx/ssl/.

        If I install otobo with self signed certificates, I haven’t problem.

        I have used this configuration file .docker_compose_env_https (default file).

        I have opened on firewall only 22,80,443 ports.

        Thank you for support


      • #11779
        Giordano Torre

          Good Morning,

          where can I set FQDN in nginx configuration file docker installation?

          Because I have installed and set ssl certificate path in .env file but if I connect with IP it’s OK with FQDN I  can’t connect it.

          For Example: https://IPSERVER/otobo/    –> OK  –> I used this .docker_compose_env_https and I have set only ssl path and DB password

          https://FQDN/otobo/index. pl –> Error

          Thank You

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