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    • #31055
      Ludovico Donatelli

        In Customer Panel the “to:” field shows ALL the queues.

        How can i make so that only the queue relevant for the user is shown?

        example in picture

      • #31056
        Ludovico Donatelli

          what i need is for the Customer User to be linked to a fixed Queue.

          How can i achieve this?

          The customer user is in the same group as the queue but i dont’ find any setting to set the Queue based on the user’s Group.


        • #31098
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          • #31931
            Stefan Abel

              Hello Ludovico,

              I’m not sure if I understand what you want.

              One way would be using the ACLs. There you can hide (PossibleNot) Queues for e.g. the Frontend-Action CustomerTicketMessage.


              Another way would be a setting called “CustomerPanelOwnSelection” which is there to re-name the Queues compared to the Agent Frontend. But at the same time it hides all Queues that have not been named in there.

              But this is a general setting for CustomerTicketMessage and you can’t put any filter like for a customer number in there.

              I hope this helps.


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