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    • #13346
      Jan Gundtofte

        Hello! Very new user here.

        I am tasked with setting up a self-service portal for my company’s clients, so I’m working towards creating a public (web-facing) form that will allow users to fill in specific information to create a ticket directly within Otobo.

        I can see on the web site that dynamic forms should be available, but I can’t find any information about them in the manuals or in the UI. In the Admin overview, I can see menu entries for “Dynamic Fields” and “Performance”, but no other mention of “Dynamic” or “Form”.

        Where does one begin? Does this require a specific package to be installed?

        I believe Intalio offers Dynamic Forms, but I can’t tell how this works together with / requires / replaces the new forms functionality described on Otobo’s web site.

        <hr />

        Otobo v10.1 (or at least, so I believe! I can’t find any place in the web UI (or HTML header) that clearly states “this instance is running <product> version <xyz> on <hostname> using <hardware> with/consuming <amount> of memory/resources”, so I don’t know whether we’re running thin within Docker)

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