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I’m stumbling one error after another in the migration process as described on page
My OTRS version: OTRS 6.0.26, Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, PostgreSQL 10+190ubuntu0.1
OTOBO varsion: OTOBO 10.1, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, PostgreSQL 16+257build1
I was getting some errors ‚Could not trucate table …‘. After I applied the patch
otobo@otobo:~$ diff /opt/otobo/Kernel/System/DB/ /opt/otobo/Kernel/System/DB/
< $Self->{'DB::PurgeTable'} = 'DELETE FROM %s';
> $Self->{'DB::PurgeTable'} = 'TRUNCATE %s CASCADE';
the migration continued for a few seconds, then I hit the error
Could not insert data: Table: acl - id:1.
The system log says:
ERROR: insert or update on table "acl" violates foreign key constraint "fk_acl_create_by_id"
Now, I’m stuck. Any ideas on how to proceed from here?
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