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    • #8691

        How to extend customer forms? I saw that Otobo has TicketForms and HideShow Custom Fields implemented by default. But where to find those configuration to set customer interface to display a custom forms based on service?

      • #8692
        Sven Oesterling

          Hi squidy,

          we don’t have a 1:1 copy of the TicketForms package of OTRS. The main features are the HideShow functionality, combined with the functionality of the AutoSelect package of Znuny4OTRS.

          The hide/show process is done via ACLs, where you can set the “Form”-attribute in the Possible/PossibleNot section and select your dynamic fields via their name. For dropdown and multiselect fields (standard, as well as dynamic fields), if you restrict their possible values to one via ACLs, you can furthermore activate them in the SysConfig option “TicketACL::Autoselect” to automatically be filled with that specific value (and, if you like, not be visible anymore on the form, if filled this way).

          Does this answer your question? Have a nice day,


        • #8697

            In the German thread, they gave an answer that gave understanding in customizing forms


          • #8707

              Do I need to enable all custom fields in the ‘Dynamic Fields Screens’ and after that configure ACL do hide the fields I don’t want to display? Is there a way do hide all and then set ACL do show only fields I want?

            • #8708
              Sven Oesterling

                Yes, actually the ACLs are evaluated in their order, so you could have a rule “000 – HideAll” or similar, and there hide all fields by selecting them via RegEx (“.” matches everything, e.g.), and in later ACLs activate only specific ones.

                (That would be PossibleNot -> Form -> Regex:”.” (just the dot, without the “).)

              • #8712

                  Great.. Worked like a charm..

                  One more thing. How to setup multicolumns and groups on the forms?

                • #8713
                  Sven Oesterling

                    Good. :)

                    Multicolumns are not yet supported. If by groups you mean those sections, you can add dynamic fields by the type of title to subdivide the forms.

                  • #8714

                      Cool. Thanks for response, Sven.

                    • #8802


                        How about the extended description? Is that already implemented?

                      • #9105
                        Sven Oesterling

                          Hi squidy,

                          sorry for the delay, the last days were quite packed. No this is not yet implemented either, sorry. We have an OTRS package for the general tooltip functionality, and the general design was prepared by the design team we hired, as you can see, but we had to cut some of those features for the initial release. Those are things which are definitely still on the list, however.

                          Have a nice day, Sven

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