Topic Resolution: Answered
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    • #32019
      AnteIde Marić


        I’m having trouble installing OTOBO 10.1 using docker on my freshly installed Rocky linux 9 server.

        I did everything according to the instructions (I did not configure HTTPS) all my containers are healthy:

        > docker ps
        bb641e39e11b rotheross/otobo:latest-10_1 "/opt/otobo_install/…" 45 seconds ago Up 43 seconds (healthy) otobo-daemon-1
        7a4d10d7636a rotheross/otobo:latest-10_1 "/opt/otobo_install/…" 45 seconds ago Up 44 seconds (healthy)>5000/tcp otobo-web-1
        e8ea09eb7fc5 redis:6.0-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 47 seconds ago Up 44 seconds (healthy) 6379/tcp otobo-redis-1
        417ce3c8e08f mariadb:10.5 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 47 seconds ago Up 44 seconds (healthy) 3306/tcp otobo-db-1
        7e3cbdb865e0 rotheross/otobo-elasticsearch:latest-10_1 "/bin/tini -- /usr/l…" 47 seconds ago Up 44 seconds (healthy) 9200/tcp, 9300/tcp otobo-elastic-1

        but when I go to http://otobo-test/otobo/ I get the error „Internal Server Error“ :((

        This is the log of the web container:

        [root@otobo-test otobo-docker]# docker logs --tail 50 --follow --timestamps 7a4d10d7636a
        2024-09-11T09:53:22.652115876Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:01:25.515358246Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:23.920054164Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:24.655826745Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:25.006150758Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:25.500830854Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:25.606939386Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.
        2024-09-11T10:08:26.386330048Z Kernel::System::Loader could not be loaded: at /opt/otobo/bin/psgi-bin/../../Kernel/System/ line 294.

        What is different from the manual is that I am using the latest versions of docker, docker-compose and GIT and that could be a problem.

        And there are a lot of problems with installing versions from the manual on Rocky Linux 9 because they are much older versions.

        Can anyone help? What to do?

        • Dieses Thema wurde geändert vor 5 Monaten, 2 Wochen von AnteIde Marić.
      • #32021
        Best Answer

          Hello Anteide,

          strange, this does not sound familiar to me. I just tried it on my Ubuntu 22.04 box. There I get the expected response when fetching otobo/ .  This should also work with Rocky Linux as the Docker host.

          First, which versions of Docker and Docker compose are you using?

          Secondly, the line number 294 of the message looks suspicious. In OTOBO 10.1.10 the line number should be around 273, . The line number fits much better to OTOBO 11.0.5, .

          Therefore I think that there is some mixup with a previous installation of OTOBO 11.1.x. My approach would be to inspect the volume with docker volume inspect otobo_opt_otobo. Take a look at Kernel/System/ and of RELEASE in that volume. If you are absolutely sure that you don’t need any data from that volume you can remove it and try starting anew.




        • #32024
          AnteIde Marić

            Somehow, OTOBO 11 left on the server. After cleaning everything, now everything works as it should. Thank you very much for the answer!

        Ansicht von 2 Antwort-Themen
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