Topic Resolution: Answered
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    • #12941
      Nick Sandman

        Tickets, queues, agents, customers, everything. I don’t seem to be able to delete ANYTHING once it’s created. Even logged in as the superuser.

        This is making testing any kind of feature a little cumbersome as I can’t try a bunch of things then remove the ones I don’t like. Am I missing something?

      • #12946
        Best Answer
        Stefan Rother

          Hi Nick,

          No, all actions should be reproducible in OTOBO at any time in the histories. Therefore, it is usually only possible to set objects to “invalid”.
          However, you can reuse the objects afterwards if they were only initial tests before.

          I also always rename the objects when setting them to “invalid” and put a “zzz_” in front of the name, then the invalid objects are always at the bottom of the list.

          In the future we would like to create a possibility to hide invalid objects in the admin views.

          Best regards,

          Stefan Rother

          Team OTOBO

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