
Ansicht von 2 Antwort-Themen
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    • #11731
      Andrzej Broda

        I have installed OTOBO in the docker. The installation itself is seamless and OTOBO works without any problems. However, the migration from OTRS 6 is problematic.
        The documentation of the migration is partly disconnected from the reality that needs to be done.

        For example, the point “Optional step: Streamlined migration of the database”.

        It says that you need to run the following commands:
        “docker_admin> cd <dump_dir>
        docker_admin> docker exec -i otobo_db_1 mysql -u root -p<root_secret> otobo < otrs_pre.sql
        docker_admin> docker exec -i otobo_db_1 mysql -u root -p<root_secret> otobo < otrs_schema_for_otobo.sql
        docker_admin> docker exec -i otobo_db_1 mysql -u root -p<root_secret> otobo < otrs_post.sql
        docker_admin> docker exec -i otobo_db_1 mysql -u root -p<root_secret> otobo < otrs_data.sql”

        Unfortunately these commands are written in the wrong order. The “post” command as the name suggests should be run at the very end. This confirms the state of the script that renames individual tables. If we run it before the “data” script, the whole import will fail because there will be no tables to which the data was originally supposed to be imported.

      • #11739

          Hi Andrzej,

          thanks for reporting this issue. It does indeed make no sense at all, to perform the post tasks before the data import. I have corrected the mess in die sources. The online docs at should be updatee over night. See also .

          If you find more problems in the documentation, please report them here or, oven better, provide a pull request to

          Best regards,


        • #11746
          Andrzej Broda

            Thanks for fast reply. The topic might be closed.

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