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    • #33294
      AnteIde Marić

        I noticed that my test OTOBO doesn’t display some HTML emails in HTML format, and some others it does. I don’t understand what the problem is. I searched the settings and didn’t find anything.

        Can someone please help me with this? 8-O

      • #33318
        AnteIde Marić

          They make fun of me in the company that I don’t know how to set this up :((

          Can’s find anything

        • #33792
          Stefan Härter

            Hi AnteIde,

            sorry to hear that. Sadly, from the information provided, I am not really able to tell anything specific. Did you check the MIME type of the E-Mails? Maybe some of them are of type text/plain and others are of type text/html.

            Kind regards,

          • #33841
            AnteIde Marić

              Please ignore this, it was a specific problem with the test environment.

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